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What is the Law of Pragnanz?

The Law of Pragnanz, also known as the Law of Simplicity or Good Figure, is a principle in Gestalt psychology. It states that people will perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex images in the simplest form possible, often reducing the perceived object to its most basic and recognisable shape.


Originating from Gestalt psychology, the Law of Prägnanz is one of the many laws that describe how humans perceive visual elements. Gestalt psychology emphasises that the human mind tends to perceive objects as part of a greater whole and will simplify complex images into simpler forms. This law plays a crucial role in understanding visual perception and how people make sense of the world around them.

Law of Pragnanz Design Example

Consider a website’s logo. If it’s too intricate with many details, users might not remember or recognise it easily. However, if the logo is simple and clear, like Apple’s apple or Nike’s swoosh, it’s instantly recognisable and memorable. Similarly, in app designs, simple icons without too much detail are more easily understood and remembered by users than complex ones.

Law of Pragnanz

Design takeaways

  • Simplicity is Key
    Avoid overcomplicating designs. The simpler and clearer, the better.
  • Reduce Clutter
    Too many elements can confuse users. Stick to essential components.
  • Use Recognisable Patterns
    Familiar shapes and patterns are easier to understand.
  • Prioritise Clarity
    Ensure that the main message or function is clear and not lost in the design.

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